Whistleblowing channel
What is the whistleblowing channel?
Through the Reima Whistleblowing channel, suspicion of crime, violation or other misconducts may be reported confidentially.
Why is it needed?
The Whistleblowing channel is a legal requirement. Additionally, the Reima Whistleblowing Channel is a tool for maintaining ethical principles and trust.
We expect every member of our staff to follow our ethical principles and the laws that govern our organization in their daily work. If an employee or a person otherwise in contact with our organization suspects violations, he or she can report it through the whistleblowing channel. Our Whistleblowing Channel can be used to report, for example, the following kinds of violations or suspicions of wrongdoing anonymously:
Bribery, corruption, and money laundering
The gray economy
Unlawful conduct, or unfair competition
Violation of environmental and occupational safety legislation
Violation of data protection law
Violation of product safety legislation
Interference with the right of workers to organize
Unilateral weakening of work tasks
Violations of other laws or our ethical principles
Reports must be made in good faith, meaning, that the person submitting the report should genuinely believe a violation has taken place.
How does it work?
Anyone can report anonymously through the whistleblowing channel. The channel is provided by an external service provider to ensure its confidentiality. The system is encrypted and password protected.
After submitting the report, the whistleblower will receive an anonymous username and password with which to log in to the service and communicate with the whistleblowing report handlers.
The reports sent through this service are only readable by the specified persons. In the case of Reima Group, these persons are the Chief Officer responsible for HR matters, and the Chief Finance Officer. All reports sent from group companies will be handled by the aforementioned staff at Reima headquarters. All reports will be treated confidentially.