Supply chain
We couldn’t do what we do without our suppliers. All our products are manufactured by our skillful suppliers, mostly in Asia.
The Reima office in Shanghai has a dedicated and experienced team of sourcing and quality professionals. Thanks to their expertise, we have excellent and trust-based relationships with our suppliers. We prefer to work with our suppliers for as long as possible, in order to ensure a good working relationship and a reliable revenue for the supplier.
Human and labour rights
A product cannot be sustainable if it isn’t ethically made. We are committed to respecting and protecting human rights throughout our own operations and supply chain.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct is based in international conventions on human and labour rights. All our suppliers must meet or exceed its requirements.
Reima Supplier Code of Conduct
Reima has been a member of amfori, the world’s leading business association for open and sustainable trade, since 2010. We are committed to amfori’s vision for better and fairer trade, and especially the 11 principles of amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative). All factories manufacturing Reima products that are located in so-called risk countries are audited regularly via amfori BSCI or similar system.
Reima is a signatory of International Accord, a legally binding agreement for health and safety in the garment industry. The agreement was originally signed in the immediate aftermath to the Rana Plaza accident in 2013, to improve fire and building safety in Bangladesh. Reima took part in the original Bangladesh Accord, as well as the Transition Accord in 2018. In 2021, Reima was one of the first brand signatories of the new International Accord. As a signatory, Reima continues supporting improvements in garment worker safety in Bangladesh and in other countries where International Accord may expand.