Partners & memberships
We work together with our partners in order to make an impact. Reima is also a proud member of various sustainability networks and organizations.
Our partners
Giving used clothing a second life with Ninyes and Menddie
The longer you keep clothing in use, the more you save resources. That’s why Reima gear is made to last from one child to another. Together with our partners we also encourage customers to further extend the lifecycle of clothing by repairing and recycling.
The Reima Second-hand service facilitates the reuse of Reima products. Parents in Finland can easily sell and buy used Reima clothing and footwear in the Reima App and our web store, thanks to our partner Ninyes who enable this.
Accidents can happen when kids really put their outerwear to the test. That’s why Reima App now also entails Reima Repair – a service that helps parents repair their kids’ used gear. We built it in cooperation with the Finnish Menddie, a repair and care service platform. Using the service is fast and easy, and the repairs are done through Menddie's trusted service providers.
UN Global Compact: Shaping a sustainable future
Reima is a proud member of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. We are committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, created to make our shared world better for everyone.
The five key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for our work are good health and wellbeing, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth, responsible consumption and production, and climate change.
Amfori: Fair conditions for supply chain workers
Reima has been a member of amfori, the world’s leading business association for open and sustainable trade, since 2010. We are committed to amfori’s vision for better and fairer trade, and especially the 11 principles of amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative).
As part of amfori, we work to improve the social responsibility of global supply chains. We also participate in an amfori Working Group to improve grievance mechanisms for supply chain workers.
Accord: Improving health and safety in the garment industry
Reima is a signatory of International Accord, a legally binding agreement that helps to ensure no worker in the garment factories needs to fear fire, building collapses or other accidents that can be prevented with reasonable health and safety measures. Accord was originally founded in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza building collapse in 2013, to improve fire and building safety in Bangladesh garment factories. The new International Accord came into effect in autumn 2021, with the intention to expand health and safety programs to new countries.
FIBS: A Leading Corporate Responsibility Network in Finland
Reima is an active member of FIBS, a network of over 300 companies and organizations that invest heavily in responsibility. Based in Finland, FIBS is the largest corporate responsibility network in the Nordic countries, and a unique, not-for profit promoter of sustainable business and developer of expertise.
Reima is also a signatory of Diversity Charter Finland developed by FIBS. As a signatory, we are committed to supporting diversity and ensuring equal opportunities, rights, and treatment for all.
BLUESIGN: Sustainable Textile Manufacturing
Reima has been a bluesign® system partner since 2020. Bluesign® improves the sustainability of textile manufacturing by ensuring responsible use of resources and the lowest possible impact on people and the environment at each processing stage.
The brands and manufacturers working with bluesign® must meet strict criteria to protect the water, air, and soil, as well as the people working with textiles. Bluesign® traces each textile’s path along the manufacturing process and looks at all the input streams – from raw materials to chemical components and water and energy resources.