Media contacts
For media inquiries, please contact us or one of our PR agencies around Europe. On this page, you will also find our media bank and logos for downloading.
Reima Headquarters
Reima Europe / Finland
Reima North America
Our PR agencies in Europe
DACH: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Martina Kink
Tel. +49 (0)40 41353681
Reima media bank
The Reima media bank contains logotypes, photos, press releases and additional materials for retailers. The use of the media bank is intended for the press and Reima’s affiliates. To utilise this resource, you will need a username and a password.
Reima logos
You can use these Reima logos as they are, for marketing and sales of original Reima products. If you need our logo for any other purpose, if you intend to use Reima as your customer or partner reference, or if you need our logo in some other format or style, please contact marketing@reima.com.